Usable part: the aboveground part of the plant – the leaves.
Chemical composition: citral, geranyl acetate, linalyl acetate, geranial, neral, limonene, myrcene, etc.
Aroma: fresh, lemon, cold, sweet, strong
Volatility: average
Lemongrass essential oil tones, invigorates, creates optimism. It is useful as an oily skin and hair care and prevents excessive oiliness. Repels insects.
Application method: Externally
Aroma lamp: 5-8 к. lemongrass or a combination of 2 k. lavender, 2 k. lemon grass and 2 tbsp. eucalyptus – acts tonic, deodorizing, purifying the air, against insects.
Inhalation: 5 к. lemongrass per 2 liters of boiled water for 10 minutes – for colds, fatigue, cough.
Bath: 6-10 k. lemongrass or 2 tbsp. lavender, lemongrass and orange on emulsifier – salt, soda at a temperature of 28-35 ° C for 10 minutes – under stress, tones, invigorates, soothes.
Massage: for supportive foot massage works well massage oil with 10 ml almonds, 2 tbsp. lavender, 2 k. tea bush and 1 tbsp. lemongrass. It has an invigorating and calming effect.
Face mask: for normal and oily skin of the face for daily use is recommended massage oil prepared with 10 ml of almonds, 2 tbsp. juniper, 2 k. juniper, 2 k. bergamot and 1 k. lemon grass – 30 ml of almond oil 2 tbsp. lemongrass. For problem skin: 10 k per 10 ml of almond oil. sage, 1 tbsp. lemon grass and 1 tbsp. yarrow.
Attention! Highly concentrated! Keep it tightly closed and out of reach of children!
Package: 10 ml
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