Usable part: flowers
Chemical composition: nerol , farnesol, nerolidol, eugenol, garaniol, linalol, sefrol, ilangol
Aroma: thrilling, sweet, pleasant, warm, deep, enticing
Volatility: low
Action: antiseptic, antidepressant, soothing, disinfectant, early healing, immunostimulating, lowering blood pressure, aphrodisiac, strengthens hair, deodorizing, anti-itching, air purifying
Indications: impotence, frigidity, depression, palpitations, high blood pressure, in conditions not anxiety and tension, skin care, bath oil, sleep disturbances, frequent colds, runny nose, sinusitis, pertussis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, oily, inflamed skin, infected wounds, forunculus, carbuncle, dandruff, brittle, thinned hair, hair drop, brittleness of nails, itching, decreased appetite, stomatitis
Contraindicated for epileptics, nursing mothers, pregnant women and children, as well as for people with individual intolerance to ylang-ylang. The procedure is not recommended for people with low blood pressure. It is not desirable to use the oil in combination with alcohol consumption. Internal use – under medical supervision
Application method:
Aroma lamp: For nervous tension – 4 drops of ylang – ylang, 4 drops of lemon or 2 drops of bergamot, lemon, ylang – ylang and rose.
Cold inhalation: In depression, anxiety, to lower blood pressure – 3 drops of ylang – ylang on a disposable tissue, inhale for 5-10 minutes.
Massage: Massage oil, suitable for night cream for all skin types except hypersensitive. 25 ml. almond oil or wheat germ oil with 2 drops of ylang-ylang, 4 drops of sandalwood 5 drops of lavender, 2 drops of geranium.
Face mask: Reduces sebum secretion, dries the skin, restores elasticity and fresh appearance – 20 ml. apricot kernel oil 3 drops of lavender, 3 drops of ylang-ylang, 3 drops of bergamot.
Oily hair mask: At 50 ml. almond oil 6 drops of ylang-ylang, 6 drops of garlic, 5 drops of rosemary and 3 drops of orange.
Attention: Highly concentrated. Keep it tightly closed and out of reach of children. Excessive use causes headaches and nausea. It is recommended to add to 3 drops of ylang – ylang 2 drops of lemon.
Package: 5 ml
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